List overview of cards
Flashcard Learner provides a hierarchical library of databases for your different topics of interest. Each item shows graphically its status of completion, which gives you an immediate overview. |
Performance overview and Statistics
Flashcard Learner comes with a multitude of different statistical views that show you exactly how well you perform. Seeing your progress boost your motivation to do even better. |
Retention rate
Flashcard Learner displays detailed statistics on your performance and how well you remembered the items. |
Time and Statistics
Flashcard Learner records accurately how much time you spend for your learning sessions. This helps you planning realistically how much time you will need to learn your goals. |
Classical session view
Flashcard Learner comes with two different session views. The classical views shows question and answer fields simultaneously. |
Card flipping view
Flashcard Learner’s second view is an animated card flipping view. The background is customizable. Flashcard Learner comes with many different background images already preinstalled. |

Session information
After each learning, repetition and drilling session you will get a detailed overview on your performance in this session showing you exactly how well you did. |