Posts Tagged ‘guide’

The most effective spaced repetition flashcard learning methods

A spaced repetition software like Flashcard Learner adapts to your learning style and presents you only what you need to repeat right before you forget it. The algorithms of the learning software are optimized so that you spend as little time as possible on learning and repeating with a guaranteed recall of 90-95%. There are however some strategies how you can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your learning even more (depending on your situation and ambitions).

Those strategies are divided into two major groups:

Methods how to best add new flashcards to your repetition sessions:

  1. The fastest way of learning
  2. The steadiest way of learning
  3. The combined approach


Teaching children with autism – how to overcome learning disabilities

In order to teach your child effectively and give her the best possible methods of care and learning you have to understand how the brain of your child works since the brain of children with autism works very differently from the one of children developing normally. It is therefore crucial as a parent and as an educator to understand as much as possible of what brain research has found out so that you can create conditions in which your child can learn, grow and prosper.

What is autism?

Autism is a neurological development disorder that is impairing social interaction and communication. Very often autism is accompanied by learning disabilities. In the United States autism is diagnosed in about 2% of children (20 per 1000 children as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC in the year 2012).
Autism shows itself in a wide variety of symptoms. Therefore the diagnosis is made by checking specific behaviors from a list. The official diagnosis is given if a child exhibits at least six of those symptoms. Among them at least following symptoms must occur:

How not to learn a language – the anti-language learner’s manifesto

This is a guide to make sure that you will never learn any language.

There are several ways to never learn a language. For educational purposes, we have taken the liberty to group them broadly into three different approaches:

  1. Learning languages on your own and at home
  2. Learning languages in class
  3. Learning languages abroad
